The Biden Administration and IBEW seek to build more domestic semiconductor factories (IBEW-built GlobalFoundries plant in Malta, NY)

Beefing up domestic supply chains while strengthening security and competitiveness is behind the new law incentivizing the production of critical computer chips here in the United States.
President Biden signed the CHIPS and Science Act in July, representing another effort by the president to re-shore the manufacturing of crucial goods produced overseas to the country’s economic and security detriment.
Today, the United States only produces 12 percent of the world’s microchips, which are fundamental components in many modern technology products affected by pandemic-era supply chain... Read More
After more than 1.3 million jobs in the manufacturing sector were lost to the depths of the pandemic in 2020, recent data shows manufacturers have added back 1.4 million factory jobs, adding 668,000 additional manufacturing jobs since the Biden administration began.
Biden administration policies intended to promote the growth of domestic manufacturing – like expanding made-in-the-U.S. rules for federal procurement and tax credits for American semiconductors and other factories – are expected to continue the expansion.
“One of the most striking things that we are seeing now,” Brian Deese,... Read More
President Biden posthumously honored former AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka with the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the country’s highest civilian honor.
In awarding the medal in July, President Biden said, “No one did more work for American workers than he did. For Rich, his work was synonymous with the word that defined his life: dignity … His work was fierce, always trying to do the right thing for working people … Rich Trumka was the American worker.”
Trumka died suddenly on July 5, 2021. He was succeeded by Portland, Ore. Local 125 member Liz Shuler, the first... Read More