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Who Are We?
IBEW Hour Power was created to increase the professional bond between our members and to showcase them at work to anyone who is willing to watch. We produce and share videos from all of the United States and Canada, displaying how the brothers and sisters of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers provide value to their families, their employers, and their communities.

Video Produced by Oswego Creative
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IBEW Training, Workers Featured in EV Network Rollout

Federal guidance for the creation of a national network of electric-powered vehicle charging stations explicitly recommends that agencies consider the Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Training Program as they look to spend billions in 

EVITP-credentialed members will help build out the nation’s electric vehicle charging network. IBEW training includes EVITP, which is also a short course available to journey- level members.

IBEW Members at White House for Infrastructure Bill Signing

Witnessing History: 

With the stroke of the pen, alongside more than 10 IBEW members and a bipartisan group of lawmakers at the White House on Nov. 15, President Biden made official one of the biggest infrastructure investments in U.S. history.


IBEW President Lonnie Stephenson and Austin Keyser, assistant to the president for government affairs, were on the lawn of the White House on Nov. 15 when President Biden signed the infrastructure bill.

‘He’s Scranton’: IBEW Member Meets President Biden in Childhood Hometown

President Biden appeared at the Electric City Trolley Museum in Scranton on October 20 to promote his domestic agenda and the hundreds of thousands of jobs that will be created to rebuild the nation’s degraded infrastructure.


Scranton Local 81 Business Manager Mike McDermott met President Biden when he visited the city in October.
