IBEW 90 Vice-Presidents

In Appreciation of Their Service and Dedication over Our First 100 Years

Vice Presidents of Local 90 Date Elected to Office

Paul Costello

Steve Asplund



James Malone 2010
Sean Daly 2004
John DeRosa 1995
Robert Corraro 1989
E. T. Everetts 1983
W. Lee Baily 1980
Giro Esposito. Jr. 1978
William Natale 1977
MichaelO'Shea 1974
William Natale 1971
Jack Carew 1969
Luther Burke 1965
Philip Reilly 1961
Lawrence McDonald 1957
Joseph McCurry 1953
Joseph Walsh 1951




* it would appear that Local Union Presidents were in 

charge of all Local Union Business prior to 1930

Thank you on behalf of the membership of Local Union 90.

Our apologies if any errors were made in compiling this information