Business Manager: Sean W. Daly
IBEW 90 Green Energy Day
Governor Rell Highlights New Law Supporting Qualified Installers for Solar Work Governor M. Jodi Rell today held a ceremonial bill signing for legislation that allows certain licensed electricians to qualify as contractors for the state’s solar panel rebate program, administered by the Clean Energy Fund. House Bill 5225, An Act Concerning Solar Work, allows electricians with E-1 or E-2 licenses to qualify as contractors for the rebate program. The electricians are eligible if they have completed a solar power installation course, received a manufacturer certification or have been an on-site supervisor for previous installations. “First and foremost we want to assure that any solar installation is done safely and properly,” Governor Rell said. “We also want to continue the growth of renewable energy in our state and this bill removes some of the bureaucratic hurdles that competent installers sometime encounter.” The legislation is effective upon passage.